About Us

Founders' Story

Rebecca and Gideon met in 2019. Their initial meeting just outside Paddington train station in London resulted in marriage and the birth of WildRain. While in Ghana in 2020, the couple acquired an initial 50 acres of land from the Akusafo family in Akwamu-Kwanyarko village. An additional 50 acres were leased to WildRain in 2024 for the ecovillage. Despite having different backgrounds racially and culturally and training in different fields, they were struck by the similarity of their visions– to create a space where they could work with others to cultivate healing, restoration of the land and empowerment of people. They became passionate about integrating their differing fields to create a holistic approach to community life. A life in which a reciprocal restorative relationship between the land, the local, and the wider community is at the heart.
Rebecca is passionate about healing and restoration, with a background in psychotherapy and an interest in systemic and eco-therapy. Gideon’s expertise lies in environmentalism, youth and community development, and food systems. Their own personal and joint journey of struggle as individuals as well as a mixed-race family has also led to a deep commitment to the well-being of the vulnerable and to the celebration of the indigenous wisdom of local Ghanaian communities, which is at the centre of WildRain. They recognize that the struggle of the vulnerable is not a burden to be carried by an individual but a societal one for which we are all responsible. Their joint love of nature also leads to their increasing understanding of nature’s gifts in humanity’s ability to thrive and the importance of its protection in cultivating a healthy world. 
The couple chose WildRain to symbolise the belief that the world, both land and humanity, innately holds beauty and wisdom, which, if cultivated, creates a thriving environment for all. Becoming parents was a catalyst to the founders’ recognition that this vision is so much greater than themselves and the current generation but is a way of offering the gift of hope to the next generation. Hope amid a global ecological crisis, that we can find healing and restore life on our planet.

What makes us unique?


Through how the actions we take are consistent with our convictions for a regenerative world.


In our drive for change, rooted in the ability to discern and name the harms of structural inequality to people and nature.


In expressing our passion and desire to make a difference in a broken world that needs healing and restoration.


By seeing good in people and committing to adding value to their gifts.


Because the challenges of our generation require a systems thinking and approach to solving them.


Of farmers, researchers and practitioners bringing together diverse perspectives and global insight to address local problems.